Cover2Cover - November 18

God Keeps His Promises

Today’s Through the Bible Reading: Acts 13-14

What promises has God made to you? He's given you a book full of them, but how about those that He speaks softly to your heart alone.  I'm so thankful that God is a god of promises! He promised to send His son and He did; He promised to save us from our sin and He did; He promised to rise from the grave and He did; He promised to restore Israel to their land and He did; He promised to come again and HE WILL.

Just like we saw throughout the Old Testament, God made promises, gave prophesies, and told Israel to watch as He remained faithful – so to we have the privilege of watching as God unfolds history and we eagerly anticipate His return.

In today’s Bible reading Paul gives a history lesson through which he shares God’s faithfulness in sending the promised Messiah, Jesus Christ.

And we declare to you glad tidings--that promise which was made to the fathers. God has fulfilled for us…in that He has raised up Jesus… Act 13:32-33

God orchestrated His plan throughout history perfectly. It is HIS-STORY. Certainly He is able to guide our steps today and we can anticipate His return!

Dig into His Word and see what His Story has to say to you today.


by Sharon Kaselonis / All rights reserved ©