Cover2Cover - April 12

Governed by God

Today’s Through the Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 10 - 13

Abbreviated Reading: 1 Samuel 10

“Then the people shouted, ‘Long live the king!’” 1 Samuel 10:24 niv

What a thrill to walk with Jesus! To listen to His voice and to be governed by the Spirit of the Living God!! What a privilege. So, onward we journey through God’s Word learning who He is…

As Samuel grew older, the task of leading Israel became more difficult. Samuel looked for a solution and thought perhaps he had found one in appointing his sons as “administers of justice”. This however did not work out so well. Samuel’s sons were not walking with the Lord and only made the situation worse (1 Sam 8:3). The elders of Israel grew tired of the injustices done by Samuel’s sons, so they demanded a king. As we’ll see, that didn't work out too well either.

Here was a nation who had an opportunity to be governed by the KING of kings, but sought a government similar to their neighbors’ instead of seeking God directly and being led by His Spirit.

What a great lesson for us! Jesus tells us that God is Spirit and as such He must be worshiped in spirit and in truth. (John 4:24). We are told that God’s Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Ps 119:105); and that God writes His Word on our hearts (Rom 2:15). The Holy Spirit lives and abides in us and gives us a conscience (2 Cor 1:12). We are to daily listen, seek, and obey; feasting on His Word, praying continually, and relying on His guiding.

However, like Israel we too have a tendency to want to be governed by what we can see and a checklist that we can tick off rather than having to seek His will daily. That’s why the tangible written rules of legalism, religion, rituals, and tradition are a tempting replacement for walking in the Spirit.

As you dig into God’s Word today, listen to what the Spirit lays on your heart through His Word – and obey.

Praise the Lord that we are a people who are governed by the power of the Living God!

by Sharon Kaselonis / All rights reserved ©