Jesus in Amos

Cover2Cover - June 26

Amazing Grace

Today’s Through the Bible Reading: Amos 2-6

"…Prepare to meet your God…” Amos 4:12 NIV

The prophet Amos arrived on the scene shortly before Isaiah and was a contemporary of another prophet named Hosea. Amos was a simple country farmer, called by the Lord to deliver a challenging message. In the midst of his people experiencing a period of prosperity, strength, and security, Amos was given a word from the Lord to warn Israel of God’s coming judgment as a result of Israel’s sin. Understand that with things moving along swimmingly for the Israelites, Amos’ message was not one the people welcomed or widely embraced. Nor was the probability of Israel being completely destroyed believable. Yet, within fifty years of Amos’ prophesy, that is exactly what happened - fulfilling God’s warnings perfectly.