Cover2Cover - June 26

Amazing Grace

Today’s Through the Bible Reading: Amos 2-6

"…Prepare to meet your God…” Amos 4:12 NIV

The prophet Amos arrived on the scene shortly before Isaiah and was a contemporary of another prophet named Hosea. Amos was a simple country farmer, called by the Lord to deliver a challenging message. In the midst of his people experiencing a period of prosperity, strength, and security, Amos was given a word from the Lord to warn Israel of God’s coming judgment as a result of Israel’s sin. Understand that with things moving along swimmingly for the Israelites, Amos’ message was not one the people welcomed or widely embraced. Nor was the probability of Israel being completely destroyed believable. Yet, within fifty years of Amos’ prophesy, that is exactly what happened - fulfilling God’s warnings perfectly. 

But here is the point: God didn’t give the prophet Amos a word just for the ancient Jews. On the contrary, the Apostle Paul tells us that ALL of those things happened to the Old Testament peoples as words from the Lord for you and me as well. The word of the Lord from the book of Amos is this: when people turn away from righteousness, problems and pain are inevitable consequences. And understand precious reader, this law of cause and effect was not created by God simply because He forbade sin. Rather, He forbade sin because of this law of cause and effect. He knows how bad sin can hurt His people, so just like any loving father, our heavenly Father commands us to flee from it! And when we fail to, despite the consequences we’re left with, He is faithful to forgive us. Now that’s amazing grace!

 “Seek good, and not evil, that ye may live…” Amos 5:14

The book of Amos begins with pointing out the sin and judgment that was to fall on Jerusalem. But after judgment comes restoration. God’s message to Israel (and us) through Amos, ends with the glory of the Davidic covenant (Amos 9:11-15) – God’s promise to send the Redeemer. And this, my friends, is where we see Jesus in Amos!


by Sharon Kaselonis / All rights reserved ©