
Cover2Cover - December 11

Trials Bring Opportunity

Today’s Through the Bible Reading: Acts 25:23-28:10

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials James 1:2

Talk about trials! Paul knew a thing or two about hard circumstances. Paul’s legal fiasco, that began in Jerusalem, led him to the Sanhedrin and then eventually to Rome. Along the way  he encountered conspiracies to kill him (Acts 25:2, 3); unfounded accusations (Acts 25:6, 7); underwent multiple interrogations and trials (Acts 25:22-25); as a prisoner he was sent on a ship to Italy (Acts 27:1); found himself ship wrecked (Acts 27:15-25); and landed in a place he never intended to be – on the island of Melita (Acts 28). There he was bit by a venomous snake (Acts 28:3); accused of being a murderer (Acts 28:4); and then esteemed to be a god (Acts 28:6). Finally in Italy, Paul was put under house arrest and chained to rotating guards.