Cover2Cover - October 5

Jesus, the Glory of God

Today’s Through the Bible Reading: Mark 3:1-19; Matt. 12:9-21; Luke 6:6-16; Matt. 4:23-5:12

God’s glory and mercy was revealed to all mankind when He became a man and walked among us. Jesus was God in the flesh (Col 1:15), conquered death, rose again and revealed God’s love to mankind (Jn 3:16).

Jesus completely and totally satisfied God’s law (Matt 5:17, 18). He followed the law and never sinned (1 Jhn 3:5). He was the spotless Lamb of God (1 Pt 1:19).  He demonstrated the spirit of the law and God’s desire for mercy and not sacrifice (Hosea 6:6 & Matt 12:7).

Jesus demonstrated God’s gentleness. He created the universe, yet became a man to save mankind (Isa 40:28; Jn 1:1); He healed the sick (Isa 35:4-6; Mk 3:1-6); He led His people like a shepherd (Isa 40:11; Jn 10:11); He gave strength to the weak (Isa 40:29; Matt 8:14); He opened the eyes of the blind (Isa 42:7,18; Mk 8:22); He gave light to a dark world (Isa 42:16; Jn 1:4, 5); and REDEEMED His people from their sin (Isa 41:14; Eph 1:7).

Let's take in the Bread of Life and stand amazed at our Great God.

by Sharon Kaselonis / All rights reserved ©