Today’s Through the Bible Reading: Galatians 4:8 – 6:18
In today’s reading Paul is admonishing the Galatian church to avoid putting themselves back under the law or man’s traditions. The Galatians had fallen prey to the faulty notion that by keeping the law they would be justified and made perfect. Paul’s emphatic reminder of grace is a refreshing reminder for us today! It is by GRACE we are saved and not by our own works of righteousness.
The book of Galatians shifts the believer’s focus onto Jesus and the grace we have received through His work on the cross. The result of this focus produces a walk of righteousness as the Spirit works in us and sin no longer reigns in our hearts.
This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Gal. 5:16
It is a heart issue. Keeping the law itself will not justify or sanctify us (look at the Pharisees). But putting our faith in Jesus will. As we give our lives, hearts and affections to Him, our lives will bear fruit of righteousness.
If our appetite is for sin, then we are not feasting on Jesus, the Bread of Life. If we find ourselves “thirsty” for worldly entertainment, then we need to drink in the Living Water and let it cleanse our minds. If we are filled with the Spirit, we will hunger and thirst for what Jesus has to offer. As a Christian, our lives belong to Jesus. Hunger after things of Him and let’s not be doubled minded and double devoted – which leads to double trouble!
by Sharon Kaselonis / All rights reserved ©