Expanded Territories
Today's Through the Bible Reading: Joshua 13-15
Abbreviated Reading: Joshua 13
In today's reading Joshua recounts the territories God had given to Israel and the inheritances that were divided up among the tribes.
Can you imagine all of the stories that this list would have conjured up in those men's lives who had battled for these territories. It was God who delivered all of their enemies into their hands, but these soldiers had the privilege of standing on the front lines, watching the hand of God work on their behalf.
What a wonderful picture of our Christian life. Have you taken time to reflect on all the "territories" that God has restored in your life? These can be a bit more challenging to identify than actual property lines, but they are every bit as much of a miracle as what Israel experienced.
Take time to think of all those victories God has given you, those are your story and how God has shown Himself strong on your behalf! Consider this as well, chapter 13 begins like this:
Now Joshua was old, advanced in years. And the LORD said to him: "You are old, advanced in years, and there remains very much land yet to be possessed. Joshua 13:1
God continues to expand our boundaries this side of Heaven. Don't grow weary in well doing (Gal 6:9); even if you feel old and there is much ground left to conquer. Our true promised land awaits and we are on our way to meet our Great General Jesus who has defeated our every foe and brought us everlasting Life!
by Sharon Kaselonis / All rights reserved ©