Nothing too Difficult
Today’s Throung the Bible Reading: Mark 5:21- 6:6; Matt. 9:18-34; Matt. 13:53-58; Luke 8:40-56; John 5:1-15
Whatever your background, whatever your need – Jesus stands willing and able to be your all in all. There is NO need under the sun that cannot be found in the SON. In today’s reading we see Jesus, The Great I Am heal the sick (Mark 5:25); show compassion on the hopeless (Mark 5:34); answer a father’s prayer for his dying daughter (Mark 5:22); silence the mockers and doubters (Mark 5:40); give life to the dead (Mark 5:41); sight to the blind (Matt 9:30); heal the lame (Jn 5:8); and free the possessed and afflicted (Matt 9:32).