Cover2Cover - March 21

The Way to Blessings

Today’s Through the Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 27-28

Abbreviated Reading: Deuteronomy 28:1-15

Today’s reading reminds us that a life lived obeying God brings a heart filled with peace. God has our best in mind and His thoughts towards us are oh so good. (Jer 29:11) If we sow seeds of righteousness through life, we will reap such an abundant harvest of true treasure.

Sow for yourselves righteousness; reap steadfast love … Hosea 10:12

On the flip side, if we choose to sow seeds of unrighteousness, our harvest won’t be pleasant. (Deut 28:15) Sin has pleasure for a moment, but always leads to heartache, sorrow and death. (Prov 16:25; Rom 6:23) As a loving father, God warns us to stay away from unrighteousness and doesn't want us to reap the consequences He knows it will bring.

God is so good to have supplied us with a detailed map and key that so clearly lays out the possible danger areas to avoid and the “not to be missed” views and experiences along life’s journey. Whether we follow His faultless guide is up to us.

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105


by Sharon Kaselonis / All rights reserved ©