Cover2Cover - March 1

God Counts Every Offering

Your offering is special

Today's Through the Bible Reading: Numbers 7

Abbreviated Reading: Numbers 7:84-89

“They shall offer their offering, one leader each day, for the dedication of the altar.” Numbers 7:11 nkjv

Today's reading may seem redundant at first glance, but consider this:

Although all the princes’ offerings in Numbers chapter 7 were identical, each is separately recorded.  This is a great encouragement to an “ordinary” person like me! If you've ever wished you had something extraordinary to offer the Lord – take heart!

God sees every offering and counts it, takes note of it, and appreciates it. This same principle is found in the poor widow's offering in Mark 12:41-44.

Whatever it is that God has given you the ability to offer back to Him is profoundly worshipful when offered in obedient service and with a rejoicing heart.


by Sharon Kaselonis / All rights reserved ©