Persuaded of God’s Promises
Today’s Through the Bible Reading: Hebrews 10:19-12:29
In today’s Bible reading we find ourselves in the Hall of Faith. Hebrews chapter 11 is full of heroes, hope, and the greatest mystery of all – God imputing or accrediting righteousness to the sinner!
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1
We know as Christians that our salvation is based on faith – faith/trust/acceptance of God’s grace. But as Believers, the Bible says we are to continue to live daily “from faith to faith” (Rom 1:17), which means by faith alone. What does that mean? Well, we’re given several examples right here in today’s Bible reading! This is faith in action…
Able, in faith obeyed and gave the sacrifice God had established (vs. 4).
Enoch, in faith diligently sought the Lord, daily walked with God and God raptured him! (vs. 5, 6).
Noah was warned about something there was no evidence of – yet he trusted God and in faith built the ark (vs. 7).
Abraham and Sara both had their opportunity to walk in faith. Abraham had never seen the place God was calling him to – yet he packed up all he had and in faith went (vs. 8-10). Sara had no earthly reason to believe God’s promise of giving her a baby when she was old. But, in faith she believed and was indeed blessed!
Isaac, going against tradition and taking an unconventional approach, blessed both Jacob and Esau – instead of blessing solely his oldest son Esau. He then did the same with his grandsons - Joseph’s boys (vs. 20, 21).
Joseph may have died in Egypt, but he knew God’s promises and in faith he prophesied and spoke of Israel’s leaving Egypt (vs. 22).
Moses’ parents, in faith trusted God and were not afraid of Pharaoh’s decree to kill the baby boys, so they hid Moses for three months.
Moses, a wonderful picture of our salvation through faith - turned from the sin of Egypt and followed God. “Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt.” (vs. 24-29).
Israel, led by their great Captain Joshua, in faith and sheer obedience (not for any reason that would seem to make sense) marched around Jericho for seven days and the walls came tumbling down! (vs. 30)
Then there is Rahab, a gentile and prostitute in Jericho who in faith obeyed the spies and displayed the scarlet cord from her window built in the wall of Jericho. God blessed her faith, and her house did not crumble with the rest of the city. The foundation remained firm and Rahab ended up in the genealogy of Jesus! (see Matt. 1:5)
Then like it’s a side note, the author of Hebrews gives a sting of heroes of the faith - let’s not forget Gideon, and Barak, and Samson, and Jephthae, and David, and Samuel, and the prophets.
So, if God has given you instructions, obey like Able and Noah. Seek Him daily like Enoch. Take encouragement from Abraham and Sarah, and believe that He will do what He promises. If God shows you something, trust that He knows best and obey like Isaac – even if it goes against tradition and how it’s usually done. Like Joseph, trust that He always keeps His promises whether we see the fulfillment or not. Don’t be intimidated by the world, but be courageous like Moses’ parents. Forsake the world and follow God like Moses. Be dependent and strong in the power of His might, like Joshua. And like Rahab, remember that we are saved not by scarlet hanging from a window but by the scarlet blood flowing from Jesus who hung on a tree.
Be persuaded of God’s promises and embrace them!
These all died in faith, no having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them… Hebrews 11:13
by Sharon Kaselonis / All rights reserved ©