Read through the Bible in one year Cover2Cover

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Cover2Cover - April 6

The Power of a Consecrated Life

Today’s Through the Bible Reading: Judges 13-16

Abbreviated Reading: Judges 13

“…for the child shall be a Nazarite unto God from the womb…” Judges 13:5

The story of Samson is one of sad syncretism, the result of intermingling holiness with human desire, and spiritual power with sin.

Samson’s life began beautifully. An angel announced his conception. He had a divine purpose and was set apart to God from the womb (Judges 13:3–5). He was anointed by the Spirit with unsurpassed strength. His life was full of potential. Yet Samson chose to mingle the godly with the ungodly, the consecrated with the defiled. As a result, Samson’s life concluded in captivity, blind and tied to a grindstone (Judges 16:21–22).

Despite Samson’s shortcomings, God gave him a final victory over the Philistines (Judges 16:23–31) and counted Samson faithful (Heb. 11:32).

Samson’s life certainly foreshadows Jesus to a degree. Both births were unexpected by their mothers and announced by an angel (Judges 13:2–5; Luke 1:26–38). Both were set apart and divinely appointed (Heb. 10:10–12). Both were sent to deliver Israel (Judges 13:5; Matt. 1:21). But where Samson fell short and failed in his assigned role, Jesus triumphed and finished the work!

It is a solemn reality for us to consider the effect of compromise in our lives. It hinders our full potential, blinds us spiritually, and leaves us tied to the grindstone of sin.

Dear Christian, don’t underestimate the power of a consecrated life! While Samson taught us the danger of compromise, Jesus gave us the power over it.

Today’s devotion is an excerpt from Jesus, Day by Day, published by Multnomah Publishing 2019. You can pre-order your copy today - Jesus, Day by Day, Sharon Kaselonis.

by Sharon Kaselonis / All rights reserved ©