
Jesus, Day by Day: April

This Month’s Reading Plan at a Glance: March

Happy March! Spring is almost here and if you’ve been reading along with me, we’ve made it through some of the toughest portions of the Bible (Genesis, Exodus, and Leviticus). Congratulations! Those are some tough books, but hopefully you’ve seen pictures, shadows, and promises of Jesus throughout each book.

Here’s a brief list of what we’ve covered and where we’re headed through Jesus, Day by Day and our Bible reading:

  • Genesis: the book of creation and fall;

  • Exodus: the book of redemption;

  • Leviticus: the book of worship and fellowship with God;

  • Numbers: the book of service and sanctification;

  • Deuteronomy: a book recounting what God had done for His people;

  • Joshua: the victorious consummation of Israel’s redemption out of Egypt and into the Promised Land. How appropriate that we will find a picture of redemption in the opening chapters!