God is Good
All the time
Today’s Through the Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 22-23; Psalm 52; 109
Abbreviated Reading: Psalm 52, 109
God is good ALL the time! His love for us endures FOREVER and EVER.
I trust in the steadfast love of God forever and ever. Psalm 52:8
In today's reading, David is still hiding from Saul and continually reminds himself of God's goodness, love, and provision. Whatever difficulties we face, like David, we can stop and consider God's goodness and ultimate demonstration of love in sending His one and only Son for us.
At the cross... God proved His love for us (Jn 3:16); Washed and cleansed us from sin (1 Jn 1:7); Provided peace and forgiveness (Eph 1:7; Eph 2:14-15); Gave a means for a clean conscience (Rom 8:1); Gave new life (2 Cor 5:17); Satisfied our thirst and met our every need (Jn 4:14, Rev 21:6, Phil 4:19).
These are the truths that we can fill our hearts and minds with!
by Sharon Kaselonis / All rights reserved ©