Cover2Cover - April 27

Crown Him King

Today's Through the Bible Reading: 1 Chronicles 12:23-40; Psalm 2; Psalm 78

Abbreviated Reading: 1 Chronicles 12:23-40

“They came to Hebron fully determined to make David king over all Israel…” 1 Chronicles 12:38 niv

Today we read the account and description of the men who came to crown David King. Herein lies a beautiful picture of us, soldiers of the Cross, standing ready to crown the Son of David (Jesus Christ) King. Let's take a look at these men and consider the attributes that God chose to highlight.

The children of Judah bore shield and spear (1 Chron 12:24): Judah means praise. Praise is the conduit by which our hearts are prepared to crown God King of our lives and ready ourselves for battle. These men also bore shield and spear. As Christian soldiers, we are given heavenly armor. Ephesians chapter 6 tells us to take the whole armor of God, including the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God (Eph 6:13, 16-17).

Those of Simeon were mighty men of valor... (1 Chron 12:25): Simeon means "he who hears or obeys". OBEDIENCE brings victory and is the way of valor. These men stood ready to hear and obey. As Christians, we are enlisted in God's army and our whole aim and purpose should be to please Him who enlisted us (2 Tim 2:4). (see also Jhn 15:14; Jhn 14:15; 2 Jhn 1:6)

Then there were those men from Benjamin. These men had remained faithful to Saul until the end. This demonstrates the grace of God! Despite their "last minute conversion," they were counted among David's men. That's how it is with us. Despite the energy we expended towards the god of this world, once we proclaimed Jesus as King, He brought us into His family and just like Benjamin means "son of my right hand" we were given favor with God and made heirs with Christ. (Eph 2:13)

The half tribe of Manasseh numbered eighteen thousand and were expressed by name (1 Chron 12:31). This is a beautiful point, because Manasseh means "causing to forget." These men were not only not forgotten, but the Bible tells us they were "expressed by name." God has not forgotten us either, but has listed each one of our names in the Lambs Book of Life!! (Isa 43:1; Luke 10:20) 

Each one of the tribes listed in today's reading has something to reveal to us regarding God's character and our position in Christ. May we consider whether we are standing as good soldiers who are readying ourselves to crown Him King over ALL.


by Sharon Kaselonis / All rights reserved ©