Cover2Cover - August 30

What’s Missing Can Point Us to Jesus

Today's Through the Bible Reading: Ezekiel 40 – 43

“…look with your eyes and hear with your ears, and fix your mind on everything I show you…” Ezekiel 40:4 NKJV

The final few chapters of the beautiful book of Ezekiel deal primarily with the Millennium and the temple that will be built during that glorious thousand year reign of Jesus Christ on earth. And admittedly you might be asking: “Can we skip these chapters and move on to something with more personal application for today?” Not so fast, my friend! For if we omit this amazing section of Scripture, we miss out on a glorious glimpse of Christ pictured in the temple to come – during the Millenium.

God’s description of the millennial temple is fascinating when compared to His temple in the Old Testament. You see, there are four items missing from the temple to come – each of which points to our Messiah.

They are: the veil separating the holy of holies, the table of showbread, the golden lampstand, and the Ark of the Covenant.

I suggest to you, these items are “missing” not due to oversight, but because their omission reflects the finished work of Christ. You see, there will be no veil because it was rent from top to bottom when Jesus died on the cross (Matt. 27:51). The veil separated man from the glory of God, but Jesus made a way for us to come boldly into His glorious presence (Heb. 4:16). There will be no table of showbread for Jesus declared that He is the Bread of Life and He, personally, will be in the temple with you and with me (John 6:35)! There will be no golden lampstand because the Light of the World will shine for all to see (John 8:12). Finally, there will be no Ark of the Covenant – that box containing the law God gave Moses – because Jesus Christ perfectly fulfilled the law.

So you see, dear Christian, when we look closely we can see Jesus even in what isn’t seen – so keep reading, because you might see your Messiah even in the omissions.