Today’s Bible Reading: Psalm 1, 111, 112, 117
Want a recipe for happiness? It’s found in Psalm 1!
Blessed (happy, fortunate, prosperous, and enviable) is the man who walks and lives not in the counsel of the ungodly [following their advice, their plans and purposes], nor stands [submissive and inactive] in the path where sinners walk, nor sits down [to relax and rest] where the scornful [and the mockers] gather. But his delights and desires are in the law of the Lord, and on His law (the precepts, the instructions, the teachings of God) habitually meditates (ponders and studies) by day and by night. Psalm 1:1-2 (amplified version)
God promises that the person who delights in Him and constantly focuses on His Word and His goodness, will be a happy person. This is a happiness that comes despite situations that we encounter in this fallen world. Why? Because God’s Word brings life (Romans 6:23) and sin brings death (James 1:15).