God speaks

Cover2Cover - January 15

God is About to Speak

Job listens through the storm

Today’s Through the Bible Reading: Job 35-37

Abbreviated Reading: Job 36:20 - 37:24

"God thunders marvelously with His voice; He does great things which we cannot comprehend." Job 37:5

In today's Bible reading there is a storm brewing - literally.  Job and his friends watch as a storm develops on the horizon. Oh so many times we sit in our circumstances and watch as "storm" takes shape on the horizon.  Just like Job's friends, we use the surrounding circumstances to try and make sense of what is going on. In an attempt to figure out God's character and plans, we draw conclusions that are only partially accurate or faulty at best. That's what Job's friends did as they tried to make sense of what was going on. Much of what they said was very true, but not completely. It's when God speaks that all is made right and clear.