God's Voice

Cover2Cover - June 15

A Still Small Voice

Today's Through the Bible Reading: 1 Kings 17 - 19

Abbreviated Reading: 1 Kings 19

“…And, behold, there came a voice unto him..." 1 Kings 19:13

God, who speaks in a gentle whisper, with His Word: spoke the world into existence (Gen. 1:3); commands the sun and the stars (Job 9:7); sets the oceans' limits (Job 38:11); moves mountains (Job 9:5,6); calms the raging sea (Ps. 65:7; Matt. 8:26); humbles men (Matt. 17:5,6); heals the blind (John 9:6); makes the lame leap for joy (Mark 2:8); raises the dead (John 11:43); and brings eternal life (John 5:24). In today’s reading, God stops the dew and rain, commands ravens to feed His prophet, and miraculously provides for a widow in the midst of a famine. Truly the spoken Word of God is powerful but never overbearing and Elijah quite literally had the privilege of experiencing the power of God’s still small voice.