Where to Go For Help
Today’s Through the Bible Reading: Isaiah 29 - 32
"Woe to them who go down to Egypt for help…” Isaiah 31:1
God takes care of His people! He promises to feed, clothe, and protect those who are His. So, in today’s reading, Isaiah warns the people not to go down to Egypt to try to meet their needs (Isa 31:1). The prophet boldly proclaimed in faith that God would provide all they needed. Remember, Egypt is a picture of the world in Old Testament Bible typology. And the picture being painted for you and me by the prophet Isaiah’s instruction to Israel is that nothing in this world, as wonderful as it may seem for a moment, can really satisfy us or meet our deepest needs. The truth in today’s reading, is that we are to trust in the one, True and Living God – the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. That trust should extend to both our temporal, physical needs as well as to our eternal, spiritual needs (Matt. 6:33).