
Cover2Cover - August 13

Recapture Their Hearts

Today’s Through the Bible Reading: Ezekiel 14 – 16

“I will do this to recapture the hearts of the people of Israel…” Ezekiel 14:5 NIV

In today’s reading, God told Ezekiel that He was going to discipline Israel, but with one distinct purpose in mind: to bring their hearts back to Him (Ezek. 14:5-6).

How many of you would agree that discipline is unpleasant? That’s especially true if it comes from someone you really respect. How much more so when it comes from God! But like any loving parent, God disciplines His children out of a deep love for them. Our Heavenly Father never corrects or chastises us without good reason or godly purpose (Ezek. 14:23). And here, in Ezekiel, God describes both the reason for Israel’s discipline and what He would accomplish through it.