
Cover2Cover - January 19

Why Do We Have to Wait On God?

Abram shows us what NOT to do

Today's Through the Bible Reading: Genesis 15-18

Abbreviated Bible Reading: Genesis 16

“...You are the God who sees...Have I also here seen Him who sees me.” Genesis 16:13

At this point in Abraham’s life, God had established His covenant with Abraham and had appeared to him with the promise of a son (Gen. 15). HOWEVER, as that experience came and went and the promise lingered, Abraham began to question how God might fulfill His promise and began to implement his own efforts (with Hagar) in order to “help” God out, causing serious heartache and harm along the way.

But God is faithful and He kept His promise to Abraham and in His perfect time, when Abraham and Sarah were “too old” to have children, Abraham miraculously had a son… by his wife, Sarah - just the way God had said and intended all along.

Just like God promised to give Abraham a son, God promised to give us His son, Jesus. Abraham’s son, Isaac, is one of the most poignant pictures of Jesus in the entire Old Testament - as we’ll see in future readings…so keep reading! But for now, know this: