God Gives Beauty for Ashes
A lesson found in Job’s three daughters
Today’s Through the Bible Reading: Job 40-42
Abbreviated Reading: Job 42
“He had also…three daughters.” Job 42:13
At the end of Job’s suffering, God gave him three daughters, and like something found in a fairytale, the Bible tells us that “in all the land there were no women so beautiful as Job’s daughters” (Job 42:15 esv). Through these girls, God gave Job beauty out of ashes (Isa. 61:1–2).
We’re not told much about these women, but in their names we find a tender portrait of Jesus, reminding us of His caring provision and sweet restoration.
Job’s first daughter was named Jemima, which means “day-bright” - reminding us that through the restorative work of Christ we see the Light (Matt. 4:16; John 8:12; Rev. 22:16).
Job’s second daughter was named Kezia, which was a sweet spice. Ahhh, does this ring a bell? In the New Testament we find three other women who came to anoint Jesus’s body with sweet spices but found the tomb empty (Mark 16:1). Jesus had risen in deed! He alone holds the power of life and death and only HE can resurrect those who were dead in sins, annointing us and giving us a sweet fragrance.
Then there was Keren-happuch, meaning “horn of beauty.” Truly, Jesus is the most beautiful of all and the horn of our salvation (Luke 1:69).
Whatever difficulties we face today, let’s remember the treasure found in the book of Job, a sweet picture of Jesus, our bright and morning star, our risen Lord who makes the bitter sweet, our beautiful Restorer of life—our Salvation.
Dear Christian, the lesson we see in Job’s daughters is that we can rest assured that despite our inability to always comprehend God’s plans and purposes (Isa. 55:8, 9), like Job, we can stand and declare: "I know that You can do all things, And that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted." Job 42:2 NASB
God’s Word is true. He keeps His promises! He is a faithful God who is trustworthy. His love endures forever. His plans are perfect. His purposes are sure. If there’s a situation in your life that has you rattled, don’t despair! God promises to take us from glory to glory and we’ll arrive safely on the other side – guaranteed! (2 Corinthians 3:18) and He will give you beauty for ashes. Job is the prime example of this. I'm sure Job felt as though his trials were purposeless. Yet, God, in His mercy had a plan of restoration and purpose that would point directly to His Son, Jesus.
by Sharon Kaselonis / All rights reserved ©