Cover2Cover - September 28

He is Finally Here!

Today’s Through the Bible Reading: Luke 1:1-2:20

Wow, here we are…we're reading through the Bible Cover2Cover in chronological order (in the order the events occurred). We've journeyed from a perfect creation to the fall of man. From Genesis to Malachi, There have been hundreds of promises regarding a coming redeemer who would restore man’s fellowship with God. There have been shadows and pictures of this promised Savior woven throughout the lives and stories of the Old Testament. 

It’s been 400 years since God last spoke through the prophet Malachi, but He is eternally faithful and His Word is about to be revealed – literally...

And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. John 1:14

All those Old Testament types, pictures, prophecies, shadows, and promises now culminate and are unveiled in and through Jesus Christ, Immanuel, God with us. If you’ve been reading along through the Old Testament, then hold on, because your mind is saturated with the Old Testament foreview of Jesus and you’ll now find Him, the fulfillment and Redeemer as promised from the beginning. (If you’re just now joining us, no worries! Just keep reading and we’ll circle back through.)

Here is a synopsis of the gospels. We’ll be reading through in chronological order which allows us to compare the same stories in different gospel accounts.

Matthew was a tax collector. He was looked down upon and hated by most, but he was one of Jesus’ first disciples. Matthew ties the Old Testament promises and New Testament fulfillment together, showing Jesus Christ as the promised King.

Mark was written to Roman gentiles who were new Christians and facing persecution. Mark encourages these Believers and shows Jesus as a Servant.  Mark was the son of a wealthy woman whose house was used as an early church (Acts 12) and possibly the Apostle Peter’s disciple (1 Pt. 5).

Luke was a doctor and scholar. As a Greek, he wrote to the Greeks. Luke understood their fascination with Plato’s ideal man, so he focused on Jesus as the perfect man – the Son of Man.

John was written to a universal audience. His gospel focuses on love and revealsJesus as the Son of God who because of His great love died for the sin of the world.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Whatever your background, whatever your need – Jesus calls you and stands able and willing to be your all in all.

Feast on God’s Word and see Jesus, the world’s redeemer. Here we go…


by Sharon Kaselonis / All rights reserved ©

It’s here! Don’t miss a day in God’s Word. Jesus, Day by Day will walk you through the entire Bible in one year, seeing Jesus on every page.