Cover2Cover - October 7

God Has Come to Help

Today’s Through the Bible Reading: Luke 6:17- 7:17; Matt. 8:5-13; John 4:46-54

And the whole multitude sought to touch Him… Luke 6:19

The narrative in Luke 6–7 echoes the message found in Matthew’s record of the Sermon on the Mount—a message that proved irresistible to the crowds around Jesus.

The people living in Israel at the time of Christ desperately wanted to hear His message. They wanted to listen to His words of truth and joyous hope spoken with authority from on high (Matt. 7:29; Mark 1:22; Heb. 1:9). They couldn’t comprehend what drew them to Him, but they knew they wanted to be near this Teacher.

The Bible tells us that multitudes sought Jesus and traveled great distances to see Him and hear His words of truth. They knew that virtue flowed from Him and if they could just touch Him, they would be healed.

Virtue still flows from Him, and truth is still contained in His Word. How far are you and I willing to travel to see Him, to hear Him, and to touch Him? No doubt the “distance” we’re called to traverse is not measured in miles but rather in the sacrifices to our schedules, deliberately setting aside time to quiet our hearts, hear His voice, and take in His Word.

Let’s keep going the extra mile, my friend, and continue to make time to see Him, hear Him, and touch Him through time spent in His presence.

Truly we can say along with those in Israel "God has come to help His people." Lk 7:16



by Sharon Kaselonis / All rights reserved ©