Cover2Cover - October 26

Here’s LIFE

Today’s Through the Bible Reading: John 11:17-57; Mark 10:32-52; Matthew 20:17-34; Luke 18:31-43

Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live John 11:25

Only through Jesus can those dead in sin be made alive! (Eph 2:1)

Dear Christian, we are free from sin. It brought us death, but Jesus gave us life. So let’s not hold on to it, be bent on giving in to it, or show affection for it. We are Jesus’ people, free to live for Him.

In today’s reading we find blind Bartimaeus crying out to Jesus. When Jesus called him to come, the people around responded with, “Cheer up! On your feet! He’s calling you.” (Mk 10:49). Then Bartimaeus, throwing his cloak aside, jumped to his feet and went to Jesus (Mk 10:50). 

We were blind (spiritually) and Jesus gave us sight. Is your response like Bartimaeus? Have you thrown off that old cloak, (the old man) and jumped to your feet in response to Jesus? Hebrews 12:1 admonishes us to throw off every weight that would hinder us from running the good race. So, today as you hear the Holy Spirit call, prick your conscience, or encourage your spirit – obey what He lays on your heart and what you read in His Word and run to Jesus.


by Sharon Kaselonis / All rights reserved ©