Read through the Bible in one year Cover2Cover

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Cover2Cover - May 20

Solomon’s Song

Today's Throuh the Bible Reading: Psalm 50; Song of Sol. 1-4

Abbreviated Reading: Song of Sol. 1-4

We're starting Song of Solomon today. This is a beautiful picture of our bridegroom, Jesus Christ and how He pursues us, His bride and bids us to come away and fellowship with Him.

My beloved spoke, and said to me: "Rise up, my love, my fair one, And come away. Sng 2:10

C. H. Spurgeon said, “This Book stands like the tree of life in the midst of the garden, and no man shall ever be able to pluck its fruit, and eat thereof, until first he has been brought by Christ past the sword of the cherubim, and led to rejoice in the love which hath delivered him from death. The Song of Solomon is only to be comprehended by men whose standing is within the veil.” 

It is only through Christ's blood and atoning work that we can experience such sweet love and fellowship with our Lord. But it was He who desired our fellowship first. We did not pursue Him, but He first made a way through His own death, in order to then woo us.

We love Him because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19

As you read these first chapters, look for Jesus in the Book. His name is as ointment poured forth (Sng 1:3; Phil 2:9-11); He will rejoice and be glad in thee (Sng 1:4; Zeph 3:17); He is the Good Shepherd (Sng 1:7; Jn 10:11); and gives us rest (Matt 11:29); He sits us at His banqueting table (Sng 1:12; Rev 3:20); and one day soon, He will rise us up and take us away (Sng 2:10; 1 Cor 15:52). 

by Sharon Kaselonis / All rights reserved ©