Cover2Cover - July 7

He Planned It

Today’s Through the Bible Reading: Isaiah 22-23; Micah 2-3

"…But you did not look to Him who did it, or see Him who planned it long ago.” Isaiah 22:11 ESV

We serve an awesome God with good plans! Do you know that? My hope and prayer for you, dear reader, is that you would know that truth, not just in your mind but deep down in your heart. God is gracious and faithful to direct our steps and guide our thoughts and give us the ability to accomplish wonderful things – for HIS glory. As life unfolds and plans take shape – REMEMBER to give HIM the Glory for all things!

In today’s Bible reading Israel failed to do that.  God said to them, “You built all these things, but you didn’t remember to look to the One who did it or regard the One who planned it long ago” (Isa. 22:11 paraphrased).

As Christ-followers, we understand that our lives are governed by God – but are we quick to give Him the glory for all the little things that unfold throughout each day? Keep your eyes open and your heart ready to give thanks, because we read in the book of James that every good gift comes from our good and gracious God.

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” James 1:17

Unlike Israel during Isaiah’s time, may we be people whose lips are full of praise and whose hearts are ready to respond to God’s goodness.

Let's remember that our steps are ordered by the Lord (Ps. 37:23) and obey the Scriptures when they tell us to thank Him always in all things (1 Thess. 5:18). 

God knows we have a tendency to forget that it’s Him who has given us every good and perfect gift. So in His graciousness, He reminds us through His Word, to stop and simply say, “Thank you, Lord – You are good!”

by Sharon Kaselonis / All rights reserved ©