Cover2Cover - July 17
Perfectly Fulfilled Prophecy
Today’s Through the Bible Reading: Isaiah 40 – 42
Think the Old Testament is boring? Think again!! Just take a look at today’s reading in Isaiah and ponder God’s majestic greatness and yet His great love for us!
In today’s reading we find a prophecy regarding John the Baptist in Isaiah 40:3, “A voice of one calling in the desert prepare the way of the Lord.” (see John 1:23). We see prophecy regarding Jesus in Isaiah 40:5 “And the glory of the Lord will be revealed and all mankind together will see it.” God’s glory was revealed to all mankind when He became a man and walked among us. Jesus was God in the flesh, conquered death, rose again and revealed God’s love to mankind.(John 3:16)
We see God’s gentleness, “He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart” (Isa 40:11); His unsearchable wisdom (Isa 40:13); Incomparable greatness (Isa 40:18); He’s the creator of the universe (Isa 40:28); sustainer and strengthener of the weak (Isa 40:29); He chooses us and protects us (Isa 41:9-10); He takes hold of our hand and leads us (Isa 41:13); He is our REDEEMER (Isa 41:14); He makes water flow in the desert (Isa 41:18) yet listens to our prayer (Isa 41:21); He opens the eyes of the blind (Isa 42:7,18); frees the captives (Isa 42:7); He is the light of the world (Isa 42:16; see John 8:12).
This was the Word of the Lord to the prophet Isaiah seven hundred years before the Word became flesh. And as you know, Jesus came and fulfilled every single prophecy absolutely perfectly!
~ Isaiah prophesied of Him as The Good Shepherd (Isa. 40:11; John 10:11); His wisdom being unsearchable (Isa. 40:13; Col. 2:3); and His greatness incomprehensible (Isa. 40:18; Col. 2:9).
~ He’s the creator of the universe (Isa. 40:28; Col. 1:16).
~ He sustains and strengthens the weak (Isa. 40:29; Matt. 11:5).
~ He takes hold of our hand and leads us (Isa. 41:13; John 16:13).
~ He is our Redeemer (Isa. 41:14; Acts 4:12).
~ He is the Living water and makes water flow in the dry desert (Isa. 41:18; John 4:14).
~ He opens the eyes of the blind (Isa. 42:7,18; John 9:1–12) and frees the captives (Isa. 42:7; Mark 5:1–20).
~ He is the light of the world (Isa. 42:16; John 8:12).
As you read God's Word today, stand amazed at our Great God!
O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are His judgments, and His ways past finding out! Romans 11:33
by Sharon Kaselonis / All rights reserved ©