Cover2Cover - January 22

God Loves to Bless His People

And He blesses you!

Today's Through the Bible Reading: Genesis 25-26

Abbreviated Bible Reading: Genesis 26:17-34

“…I am the God of Abraham thy father: fear not, for I am with thee, and will bless thee…” Genesis 26:24

We belong to a God who hears prayers, gives gifts, opens the barren womb, tells of things to come, instructs, guides, intervenes, frustrates the ways of the wicked, delivers His people from trouble, blesses despite our failures, gives water in the desert, favor to the righteous, reassures the doubting heart, and gives visions and dreams in the night - and all of these are demonstrated in today's reading alone!

When we are tempted to think our circumstance is something new or our situation out of control, consider God's Word. We do not face a single thing that He has not given us an example of in His Word. But we must read His Word (Cover2Cover) to know who He is and that He is a God who is not reckless with the lives of His saints.

Consider today's reading, find and make note for yourselves how the Lord demonstrated His mighty power and great love in the ways listed above.  As His Word sinks into your heart and cleanses your mind, you will know His nature and can then face your circumstances knowing how to pray according to His Word.

Note: See Also, for further historical reference 1 Chronicles 1:32-34

by Sharon Kaselonis / All rights reserved ©