Cover2Cover - August 8

Don’t Panic

Today’s Through the Bible Reading: Jeremiah 51; Jeremiah 11- 12

“Do not lose heart or be afraid when rumors are heard in the land…” Jeremiah 51:46 NIV

Ever feel your blood pressure rise as you watch the news? I have! But God tells us not to panic as we listen to the news. That was His message to His people thousands of years ago and it’s His message to us, too.

“Do not lose heart or be afraid when rumors are heard in the land; one rumor comes this year, another the next, rumors of violence in the land and of ruler against ruler.”  Jeremiah 51:46 NIV

Amazing! A word of encouragement God gave Jeremiah (even before modern media) is applicable to and comforting for us today.

In the book of Colossians we’re told that God holds ALL things together by the power of His word (Col. 1:17). Nothing is out of His control. He kept Noah through the storm, and His people safe through the plagues of Egypt. He shielded Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fire, and Daniel in the lions’ den. He is able to keep us through whatever may come – and even if His protection is different than we expected, He’s still provided us a home in heaven – and in that, there’s no greater protection!

We’re living in difficult and often distressing days but Jesus prepared us for these days (Matt. 24:6).

The news around us is simply verification of His Word – but you have to be in His Word to recognize that! As you hear bad news and watch as this world grow more wicked, hold tight to what Jesus told us.

“These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

by Sharon Kaselonis / All rights reserved ©