Read through the Bible in one year Cover2Cover

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Cover2Cover - April 5

The Way That Leads to Peace

Today’s Through the Bible Reading: Judges 10-12

Abbreviated Reading: Judges 13

"And they put away the strange gods from among them, and served the LORD: and his soul was grieved for the misery of Israel." Judges 10:16

We’ve seen in our reading how Israel was blessed during seasons of obedience. Now we'll see a sharp contrast as they walk away and begin to worship false gods (Judges 10:13, 14). As a result, there was war and oppression (Judges 10:7, 8); family feuds (Judges 11:1-3); unwise promises made (Judges 11:31); the inability to recognize an angle when it appears (Judges 13:16); and confusion regarding God’s promises and plan (Judges 13:22).

God’s Word is true! It is sure and immovable. What He promises will come to pass. That includes the good promises and the consequences He warns about.  We’ve heard the saying, “sin is not bad because its sin. Its sin because its bad.” Get it? God knows what harm comes from certain behaviors, so as a loving parent He warns us to stay away from those.

As our minds and hearts are filled with God’s Word and we love Him, our hearts are filled with peace (not always because of peaceful circumstances); our minds get grounded and our reasoning becomes sound (2 Tim 1:7). This is part of sanctification (John 17:17).

What a lesson for us. Stability, wisdom, truth, and peace are fruits of the Spirit (Gal 5:22; Eph 5:9). But instability, confusion, and angst are present when God is not.


by Sharon Kaselonis / All rights reserved ©