This Month’s Reading Plan at a Glance: January
Come and See Jesus
"In the beginning God created…” Genesis 1:1
Happy New Year! I'm excited about a new year in God's Word. We're reading through the Bible this year in chronological order. So glad to have you along as we get out our Bibles (or click the link above) and read through Cover2Cover seeing Jesus on every page.
I personally have been utilizing the chronological reading plan for over two decades and absolutely love it. We will journey through the entire Bible in the order that the events occurred. It has really helped to put things together in my own mind and given me a fuller appreciation of the events, people, and His-story. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have!
God's Word is daily bread that feeds our hungry and needy souls. It's water that refreshes and washes our minds. It's a shield in a world full of battles and a high tower that offers perspective. Knowing that, why would we ever let such a treasure sit on the shelf while we seek counsel from another source. This year, commit to reading God's Word and let Him be a lamp to your feet and a light to your path.
Today we begin literally "in the beginning" (Gen 1:1). The book of Genesis lays the foundation for life. Here we find God's mighty power demonstrated in creation, His compassion and love for man, His design for family, and His precious plan of Salvation.
Look and you will See Jesus from the beginning. God said, “Let us make man in our image” (Gen. 1:26). Here we find the first reference to the Holy Trinity. Jesus is here in the “us.” Jesus, God the Son, who holds the creator rights, has been from the beginning (Pr. 8:22–23; Isa. 43:13; Col. 1:17).
Here we glad to have you along!
by Sharon Kaselonis / All rights reserved ©
Read along with Jesus, Day by Day as we journey through the Bible in Chronological order, seeing Jesus on every page.