Today’s Bible Reading: Psalm 106; Ezra 7:1-8:14
We’re reading through the Bible in chronological order (the order in which the event occurred). We just finished the book of Esther and today we’re picking back up in Ezra chapter 7. About 70 years went by between Ezra chapters 6 and 7. During this time the story of Esther took place. The temple has now been rebuilt and life in Jerusalem has been quite for a season.
Ezra, whose name means “help” or “helper” was a priest. During the time he was held captive in Babylon, he wasn't able to minister as a priest. But now the temple has been rebuilt, the people have returned to Jerusalem and Ezra is finally in a place where he can serve the way he was meant to.
In chapters 1-6 the temple was being re-built. In chapters 7-10 the people are being taught, instructed, revived and challenged.
This is a wonderful picture of our Christian life. Before our “temple” (our life) was re-built or re-born, we weren't able to function the way God created us to. But now in Christ, we are in a place where we have ears to hear and hearts to respond to what God would have us to do. Like the people in Jerusalem had Ezra as their “helper”, we have the ultimate helper – The Holy Spirit (John 16:7). Like Ezra instructed the people and taught them what was acceptable in God’s house, so to The Holy Spirit instructs us to “be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” (Rom 12:2)
I love the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. There are loads of pictures and lessons pertaining to our daily walks with Christ. Dig into God’s Word today and be transformed by the renewing of your mind!
by Sharon Kaselonis / All rights reserved ©