This Month’s Reading Plan at a Glance: May
For the Word of the Lord is right and true... Psalm 33:4
God is perfect and cannot lie, so when He says "greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world," (1 John 4:4) and declared that "He has overcome the world," (John 16:33) then ITS TRUE.
Doesn’t right now, in this time, in the middle of these circumstances seem like the PERFECT time to remind eachother of this truth. I think so! So friend, be reminded that God is Almighty, our perfect protector who is good. Ahhhh. Now there’s some good news.
This month’s reading contains details of battles, stories of personal conflicts, stages of stress, enemy engagements and adversity... BUT God's plans prevailed and the Lord sent David mighty men to fight along side of him.
We too are engaged in a battle, Ephesians chapter 6 makes that clear (as does the news around us). We may not feel very mighty, in fact I'm quite certain very few of us are...BUT God sent us the Mightiest Defender of all to fight for us - Jesus, The Lord of Host is His name. He is our conquering King and at the mention of His name, demons flee, the blind see, the deaf hear, and the lame leap for joy.
Aren't you thankful today to be on the winning side of this battle?
So sing joyfully to the Lord...Praise the Lord...Sing to Him a new song...the earth is full of His UNFAILING LOVE...His plans stand firm Him our hearts rejoice! Psalm 33
Don’t stop reading through His Word - it is our anchor in the storm. Don’t stop meditating on His promises - they are our hope in the night. Don’t stop telling everyone you meet of His unfailing love - it sets the captive free.
Here we go...Keep Reading! I’m glad to be reading with you!
by Sharon Kaselonis / All rights reserved ©
Read along with Jesus, Day by Day as we journey through the Bible in Chronological order, seeing Jesus on every page.