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Jesus, The Way of Escape (Isaiah 7 & 9)

Isaiah was written over 700 years before Jesus. He’s been referred to as the “prophet of redemption,” and how appropriate it is that Isaiah’s name means, "YAHWEH is salvation".  Isaiah’s desperate warning of coming judgment and the consequence of sin is starkly contrasted with the option of turning to God and receiving grace.

God remains the same yesterday, today, and forever. His message has not changed. His heart and desire for His people to experience good remains and He extends a way of escape from judgment in and through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Although Isaiah did not know Jesus' name, he did know of a coming redeemer and that truly YAHWEH is salvation. Hence, inspired by the Holy Spirit he wrote of things to come.

Jesus is the very essence of scripture. The Old Testament points to Him and the New Testament reveals Him. Isaiah is full of types and shadows of Jesus. God keeps His promises. Nowhere is this demonstrated better than the fulfillment of God sending us His own son, Jesus to die as our ransom – the foretold Messiah.

The following only begins to scratch the surface of the riches found in these 2 chapters (Isa chapters 7 and 9). I hope you're blessed as you read through these comparisons of prophecies and their fulfillment of God's promises in the New Testament.

Click on the link below for and enjoy A Closer Look at Isaiah chapters 7 and 9.

Let’s take a closer look and see Jesus….