God's Word is daily bread that feeds our hungry and needy souls. It's water that refreshes and washes our minds. It's a shield in a world full of battles and a high tower that offers perspective. Yet it's often what sits on the shelf as we seek counsel from every other source.
God’s Word and time spent with Him will bless your day more than any self-help solution!
In Psalm 119 we find 70+ reasons to read the Bible EVERY DAY! Psalm 119 is all about God's Word, its benefits, its importance, its purpose, and what our response to it should be. So take a closer look and check out this list of 70 reasons to grab God's Word and dig in!
70+ Reasons to Read the Bible Every Day: Ps. 119
God’s Word
Keeps us from sin (vs. 3)
Keeps our way pure (vs. 9, 11, 133)
Keeps us from stumbling (vs. 165)
Rescues us from sin and afflictions (vs. 67)
Cleanses our way (vs. 9)
Gives us confidence and keeps us from shame (vs. 6)
Provides Liberty and freedom from affliction and oppression (vs. 45)
Preserves our life (vs. 25, 93, 154, 156, 159)
Quickens us and grants us life (vs. 93, 154, 156, 159)
God’s Word
Gives strength (vs. 28, 92)
Fills our longing (vs. 20, 131)
Sets our heart free (vs. 32)
Is our help (vs. 175)
Gives hope (vs. 43, 49, 74, 81, 114, 147)
Gives great peace (vs. 165)
Renews our trust (vs. 171)
Is our comfort in suffering (vs. 50, 52, 76)
Gives peace in the night (vs.62)
Is our delight (vs. 16, 24, 35, 77, 43, 48, 143)
Gives us a sound heart (vs. 80)
Is our delight in trouble times (vs. 143)
An anchor for the soul (vs. 50)
A compass for life (vs. 59)
A mirror into our heart (vs. 59)
God’s Word
Give us reason to praise (vs. 164, 171)
Causes us to lift our hands (vs. 48)
Causes us to sing His praise (vs. 172)
Makes our heart rejoice (vs. 111, 162)
Is the theme of our song wherever we go (vs. 54)
Is our meditation all day (vs. 97, 99)
God’s Word
Gives wisdom for choosing friends (vs. 63)
Is a counselor (vs. 24, 70, 174)
Softens a callous heart (vs. 70)
Creates a burden for the lost and heartbreak over sin (vs. 136)
Makes us wise (vs. 98)
Gives understanding (vs. 99, 100, 104, 130)
Makes us sensitive to sin (vs. 104)
In His Word we find mercies and see His salvation (vs. 41, 58)
God’s Word
Is our teacher and instructor (vs. 102)
Is a lamp to our feet (vs. 105)
Gives light to our path (vs. 105, 130)
Directs our steps as a guide (vs. 133)
Is an answer for our accuser and frees us from reproach (vs. 42)
Inexhaustible source of wise counsel (vs. 96)
God’s Word
Is true and contains truth (vs. 142, 151)
Is our heritage forever (vs. 111)
A hiding place, a refuge and shield (vs. 114)
Comes from His (God’s) mouth (vs. 13)
Is the way of truth (vs. 30)
His judgments are good (vs. 39)
Right (vs. 75, 128, 137)
Righteous (vs. 75, 138, 172)
Wonderful (vs. 129)
Trustworthy (vs. 42, 86, 138)
Faithful (vs. 86, 138)
Pure (vs. 140)
God’s Word
Shows God’s goodness and He does good to us (vs. 68)
Shows God’s merciful kindness and unfailing love (vs. 76, 88)
Is thoroughly tested and contains nothing worthless or useless (vs. 140)
Not fickle but grounded firmly, unchanging (vs. 52)
Fills the earth with all that makes life secure and joyous (vs. 54-57)
Forever settled in Heaven, is eternal and stands firm (vs. 89, 91)
Through His word the earth was established and remains (vs. 90)
His Word is everlasting (vs. 144, 152, 160)
Compared to great riches (vs. 14)
Better than gold and silver (vs. 72, 127)
Is sweeter than honey (vs. 103)
We love His commands (vs. 47)
God’s Word
Holds wondrous things (vs. 18)
and Invokes awe (vs. 120, 161)
So next time you’re tempted to let your Bible sit on the shelf, think of this list from Psalm 119. Don’t let the cares of this world choke out the seed of His Word! His Word will feed your soul and fill your heart.
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by Sharon Kaselonis / All right reserved ©