Read through the Bible in one year Cover2Cover

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Cover2Cover - September 7

Seeing Him

Today’s Through the Bible Reading: Daniel 11:36-12:13; Psalm 93-96

“…bless His name; shew forth His salvation…” Psalm 96:2

God Almighty is worthy of worship regardless of our knowledge and/or comprehension of His majesty. Despite our inabilities, in His tender mercies He stirs our understanding and provides us with plenty of reason for praise. As we continue in the Psalms remember, it’s here we find dynamic descriptions of God’s divinity, but they’re also powerful poems picturing Jesus – who was a living demonstration of God’s glory. As you continue to read through the Psalms, continue to consider Jesus.

The Psalmist declares God’s eternal nature.

“Thy throne is established of old: thou art from everlasting.” Psalm 93:2

Likewise, we see Jesus who was from the beginning (John 1:1) and His kingdom is everlasting.

“But unto the Son He saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom.” Hebrews 1:8

The Psalmist sung of God’s power over the raging sea.

“The LORD on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, yea, than the mighty waves of the sea.” Psalm 93:4

Jesus, God in the flesh, demonstrated His power by calming the sea (Matt. 8:26).

The Psalmist praised God for His tender mercies and care, comparing Him to a good shepherd (Ps. 95:7). Jesus is The Good Shepherd (John 10:11). The Psalmist declared God as the Rock of our salvation (Ps. 95:1). Jesus is the Rock from which flows rivers of living water (Rev. 7:17). Look for Jesus again today. Consider God’s attributes as sung about in the Psalms and then consider how our precious Jesus demonstrated those same attributes as He walked among us. And as you see Jesus let your heart be like the Psalmist – filled with praise!

by Sharon Kaselonis / All rights reserved ©