Cover2Cover - March 9
The Feast of Trumpets
A picture of Jesus’s Return
Today’s Through the Bible Reading: Numbers 27-29
Abbreviated Reading: Numbers 29
God is faithful. He ALWAYS KEEPS HIS PROMISES. He promised to send His son and He did. He promised to save us from our sin and He did. He promised to rise from the grave and He did. He promised to come again and HE WILL.
In today’s reading we find the daily offerings and the Feast of Trumpets. Remember – all Scripture points to JESUS! Especially here in the celebrations and holidays that God established for His people.
There were seven spring feasts that God told Israel to celebrate – all of them pointed to their coming Redeemer. Many of these feasts were directly fulfilled in Christ’s death, resurrection, and ascension. (Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of First Fruits, and the Feast of Pentecost)
God works in seasons and now, as the New Testament Church, we are watching and waiting as we anticipate the next round of fulfillment – the Fall Feasts (the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, and the Feast of Tabernacles).
That brings us to today’s reading – the Feast of Trumpets.
Throughout the Scriptures God uses a trumpet to proclaim victory and liberty. Take, for example, Joshua’s miraculous victory at Jericho (Josh. 6), the Day of Atonement as the people were freed from the guilt of sin (Lev. 25:9), and the indication of liberty from bondage during the year of jubilee (Lev. 25:8–11).
But here, for the Feast of Trumpets, the trumpet itself takes center stage. The trumpet’s sound indicated that the time of harvest had ended, rest was to be celebrated, and the people were presented to God.
As believers in Jesus Christ, we listen for the sound of a greater trumpet call, marking the fulfillment of the Feast of Trumpets, when we will be caught up into heaven to be with the Lord forever!
For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout…and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord. (1 Thess. 4:16–17, nkjv)
Like the ancient Israelites, we await the trumpet sound! We are busy reaping the harvest (John 4:35; Luke 10:2), but when God blows His trumpet, we’ll be caught up and it will be time to leave the field and enter the Temple to worship Him forevermore.
Look for Jesus in today’s reading and don’t be fooled into thinking that these daily sacrifices and feasts don’t have application for you today! They are all about Jesus.
by Sharon Kaselonis / All rights reserved ©