Read through the Bible in one year Cover2Cover

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Cover2Cover - February 24

Give me Oil in My Lamp

The Lampstands, a picture of the light of the world

Today's Through the Bible Reading: Leviticus 24-25

Abbreviated Reading: Leviticus 24

Remember the old song... Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burnin', burnin', burnin'?

Today's reading is about the oil and lamps that were to continually burn (never to let go out) in God’s sanctuary. These lamps were filled with pure olive oil and placed outside the veil of testimony in the tent of meeting (Lev. 24:3, nasb).

Oil in Bible typology often represents the Holy Spirit. Throughout the Scriptures oil was used in the lives of kings, priests, and prophets as a symbol of their consecrated lives, to denote the fact that they were set apart, called, and covered uniquely and specifically by God’s Spirit.[i] The prophet Zechariah, for example, was given a vision of a golden lampstand with two olive trees on each side. As the trees dripped oil into the lampstand, God spoke to Zechariah saying:

“Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts.” Zechariah 4:6

As Christians, Jesus tells us that we are to be a light set on a hill (Matt.5:14). Our lives are to be filled with the Spirit (the oil) (Eph.5:18). We are only bright when we’re reflecting the Light of the world, Jesus (Psa 119:105; John 1:14).

Like the lamps in the tabernacle, our lights must be continually tended, constantly filled and refilled so the light doesn’t go out. How do we do that? Consider where these golden lampstands were placed. In the tent of meeting. Today meet with your Savior, take in His Word, and be filled so that His light shines in and through you! 

by Sharon Kaselonis / All rights reserved ©