Cover2Cover - February 20
God’s Law
How a holy God can fellowship with sinful people
Today's Through the Bible Reading: Leviticus 13:47-15:33
Abbreviated Reading: Leviticus 14:1-19
Leviticus, it's black and white. Leviticus tells how a holy God could dwell among sinful people. It powerfully reveals the severity involved when God’s holiness is not reverently regarded. However, in the midst of this unattainable standard is the GREATEST HOPE of all. Leviticus points forward to Jesus in whom the Levitical shadows, illustrations, and types are satisfied and fulfilled.
Since Jesus presented himself as the perfect lamb of God, dying once for all (Heb.10:10), we can live in fellowship with God, no longer bound by the guilt of sin. We are free to worship and praise our King.
Let's take time today to enter the Lords presence; read His Word and let Him reveal sin so that we can be humbled, touched, and cleansed.
by Sharon Kaselonis / All rights reserved ©