Read through the Bible in one year Cover2Cover

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Cover2Cover - February 26

Victory in the Wilderness

Today's Through the Bible Reading: Numbers 1 - 2

Abbreviated Reading: Numbers 1:1-19; 1:44-2:2; 2:34 

We’re starting the book of Numbers today. If any of you have a math phobia like me – the mere name Numbers may discourage you from reading. But unlike my former math tests, all of God’s numbers are accounted for, line up, and add up. Not one is missing. That’s our Great God!, the Creator of the universe who has numbered every hair on our head (Matt 10:30).

Psalm 139:16 tells us that God knows the number of our days and has accounted for them all. Although we cannot count the grains of sand on the seashore or the stars in the sky – God knows them all and has given them names (Ps 147:4). He is a God of details and cares about every aspect of our daily life.

The book of Numbers picks up where Exodus left off.  God tells us a wonderful moral story even in the order of the Book of His Word. This is what we've covered so far:

Genesis: the book of creation and fall;

Exodus: the book of redemption;

Leviticus: the book of worship and fellowship; and now

Numbers: the book of what should follow after redemption and worship – a life of service and how to walk with God.

The book of Numbers describes Israel’s forty years in the wilderness and details a pattern of submission and obedience that inevitably leads to deliverance. The story of Israel’s sojourn, or pilgrimage, accurately pictures our Christian walk and the life of our Lord Jesus. Christ overcame in the wilderness (Matt. 4:1–11). He came to serve (Matt. 20:28; John 6:38) and He clearly lived a life of pilgrimage (Lk. 9:58). As you read through Numbers, may you find victory in the wilderness as you learn to live in service to Him.


by Sharon Kaselonis / All rights reserved ©