Cover2Cover - August 22
Jeremiah Pictures Jesus
Today’s Through the Bible Reading: Lamentations 3 - 4
“…wait for the salvation of the LORD.” Lamentations 3:26
God gave Jeremiah a tough message to share, for sure! It was a message of repentance. Despite his passion, not one person responded to Jeremiah’s prophecies. Jeremiah’s tender heart caused him to weep over the punishment of the people and grieve over his beloved Jerusalem. The devastation and depression this poor man’s heart and soul went through was not something most of us can fully comprehend. And yet, there was great purpose despite the pain! Every aspect of Jeremiah’s ministry pointed to Jesus Christ, the perfect fulfillment of all the law and prophets!
“Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.” John 5:39
Jeremiah was burdened over Jerusalem – Jesus came to save that holy city! Jeremiah wept over sin – Jesus took it all on Himself. Jeremiah preached repentance – Jesus made repentance a reality in His humanity!
Jeremiah was consumed with grief as he carried the burden of his people’s sin (Lam. 3:14-18). But Jesus carried our sin and bore all our iniquities in and on Himself (1 Peter 2:24).
Jeremiah wept over the sin of his people. But Jesus, who also wept over Jerusalem (Matt. 23:37; Luke 19:41-44), will one day wipe away every tear from our eyes (Rev. 21:4).
Jeremiah preached repentance from sin (Jer. 7:2-3). But Jesus took our sin, nailed it to His cross (Col. 2:14), and conquered sin and death, giving us a man to touch and see that brought the reality of repentance to you and to me (1 Cor. 15:55-57).
Truly, it all points to Jesus. Jeremiah’s heartache, his burden, and even the lack of converts all pointed to Jesus. So you see, despite his pain, there was great purpose in Jeremiah’s ministry!
by Sharon Kaselonis / All rights reserved ©