Read through the Bible in one year Cover2Cover

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Cover2Cover - April 4


Today's Through the Bible Reading: Judges 8-9

Abbreviated Reading: Judges 8

“Gideon and his three hundred men, exhausted yet keeping up the pursuit, came to the Jordan and crossed it.” Judges 8:4

Are you digging into God’s Word every day? Be encouraged and don’t miss a day spent washed in the water of the Word. God has so much to speak to you today through His Word, and Satan wants nothing more than to literally rob you from the treasures you’d gain by knowing the Scriptures. 

Today's reading is fascinating. While you read, ask yourself some of these questions: 

  • Who are the character involved and what are their backgrounds?

  • Why was Ephraim jealous? What was Gideon's response?

  • What did the jealousy lead to and what was the outcome?

  • What do you think of Gideon's efforts to worship God in his own way?

The answers to these questions can be applied to our lives today. God’s Word keeps our mind right and our perspective straight, is a light to our path, and gives clear warning signs for our road ahead.  There are lessons in every story and on every page.

God gave us the accounts of these Old Testament men and women so that we would find encouragement for our personal races (Rom. 15:4). May you lay aside your weariness today and trust the Lord to give you the endurance through His Word, by His Spirit, to run your race well.

by Sharon Kaselonis / All rights reserved ©