Read through the Bible in one year Cover2Cover

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Cover2Cover - April 17

All You Need

Today’s Through the Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 21; Psalm 5, 34, 59, 133

Abbreviated Reading: Psalm 34, 59

Hard times are an opportunity to run to God's Word for comfort and answers. As Christians, we have an everlasting refuge, a source of hope, and great protection. Jesus told us that in this world we would face trouble, but to be of good cheer because He has overcome the world. (John 16:33)

In today’s reading we find David facing his own set of troubles; but through David’s response God has given us great hope!

Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all his benefits. Psalm 103:2

Despite David’s situation, he clings to God’s Word and faithfulness by recounting God’s promises and goodness. We can do the same!  Here are some of God’s benefits (just from today’s reading) we can put in our heart and commit to remembering:

God hears our cry (Ps. 5:1)
He is only good and just (Ps. 5:5)
He has extended mercy to us and we can come into His house (Ps. 5:7; Heb. 4:16)
If we need direction - He leads us (Ps. 5:8)
He is our refuge (Ps. 5:11)
He gives us a song of joy (Ps. 5:11)
He is our protection (Ps. 5:11)
His favor covers us like a shield (Ps. 5:12)
He listens as we list our troubles (Ps. 59:1-7)
He is a loving God (Ps. 59:9)
Our fortress (Ps. 59:9)
He goes before us and is our defender (Ps. 59:9-11)
He gives us strength (Ps. 59:17)
He puts a song in our mouth (Ps. 59:17)
He causes our faces to shine (Ps. 34:5)
He saves us from our troubles (Ps. 34:6)
He puts His angles around us (Ps. 34:7)
Those who seek Him lack no good thing (Ps. 34:10)
He keeps us in His sight and watches over us (Ps. 34:15)
He is close to the brokenhearted (Ps. 34:18)
He showers us with blessings (Ps. 133:3)
He has redeemed us (Ps. 34:22)
And gives us Everlasting Life (Ps. 133:3)

Amen and thank you Lord for all you've done!

by Sharon Kaselonis / All rights reserved ©