Jesus, Day by Day: April
This Month’s Reading Plan at a Glance: April
They say, “April showers bring May flowers.” Well my friends, God’s Word tells us that stands true not just for physical showers, but for all sorts of allegorical and symbolic “showers” as well!
knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have [its] perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. James 1:3, 4
The entire world has found itself in the midst of quite a shower of trials. As we all do our part to try and stop the spread of this virus, let’s also do our part to spread the good news of the Gospel. Each time we wash our hands, let’s not forget to thank the Lord that He has washed our sins away. Each time we intentionally social distance, let’s intentionally draw close to the Lord and enter into His presence with thanksgiving.
It’s a good time to focus on all the examples God has given us of His grace and mercy. This brings us to April’s through the Bible reading - We start the book of Judges today and throughout it we’ll see the utter failure of Israel in contrast to the persistent grace of God.
Here’s a road map to keep us on track…Joshua died, but while the elders who Joshua appointed were still alive, the people enjoyed rest and God’s blessings (Josh 24:31). However, after those men died “Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”
Israel was full of sin and just like God warned; they were being overrun by their enemies (Josh 23:15). Israel felt the discomfort of their situation and cried out to God. Because God is good and loves His people, He heard their cries and raised up 15 judges, 13 of which are found here in the book of Judges. God used these fascinating 14 men and 1 brave woman to deliver Israel from their surrounding enemies and to speak the truth to His wayward people.
Now these judges didn't all come on the scene at once. Israel set quite the pattern of being saved, backsliding and needing saved again. But praise God…
The LORD is merciful and gracious, Slow to anger, and abounding in mercy. Psalm 103:8
The book of Judges records 7 separate seasons of Israel’s backsliding. As a result, Israel suffered 7 separate times of oppression; the consequences of their sin. But, just as many times as they failed, God delivered! We’ll see God use these Judges in mighty ways and save Israel through 7 separate amazing deliverances.
What a precious Savior we have. God is never changing. Just as He showed grace and mercy to His people then, we are His children and He is gracious and merciful to us!
…But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more. Romans 5:20
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9
Let’s dig into God’s Word and see His abundant love as He not only disciplines, but delivers.
Here we go...Keep Reading! I’m glad to be reading with you!
by Sharon Kaselonis / All rights reserved ©