A Remedy for Same 'ol, Same 'ol
We're just finishing up the book of Nehemiah in our Cover2Cover reading, so that's what we looked at during our weekly Friday Bible study.
We’ve all experienced the feeling of same ‘ol, same ‘ol – even in our spiritual lives. The book of Nehemiah provides a beautiful picture of our Christian walk and the need each of us has for revival… But why is it essential, how do we “get” it, and what does it look like?
We Need Revival Because…
Our hearts are prone to grow hard (Hos 10:12; Acts 28:27), we forget God’s goodness (Ps. 103:2; 105:5), just like the glory on Moses’ face, our experiences dim and we need to be reminded of God’s power and authority over everything (2 Pt 1:12; Rev 2:4, 5).
Here in Nehemiah, life had settled down in Jerusalem. The walls were rebuilt and the people had settled into “normal” life (Neh.7:73). This is a great picture of the Christian walk. There is the initial excitement of being born again, followed by potential spiritual battles and the hard work of re-building the broken walls. There comes a time when the walls are finally built up and we settle into church. That brings us to the need of REVIVAL.
God knows we are prone to forget His goodness (Ps 103:14), so He told us to stir our hearts to REMEMBER Him. Then He gave us examples of what that looks like and the fruit it bears (Neh 8; 1 Cor 10:11).
Take a look, dig into God's Word and let your heart be stirred!
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